Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Dog With Lymphoma Sleeping All Day What Factors Do I Use To Decide If I Should Put My Dog To Sleep?

What factors do I use to decide if I should put my dog to sleep? - dog with lymphoma sleeping all day

I just found out that my dog has lymphoma cancer. It has a growing number of his esophagus, which is pushing, sometimes makes it difficult to breathe for him. He was also a type of pneumonia, the vet said we can treat with antibiotics. The aim will be cared for in 13 years and I think that is very good for their lives. At the moment, it works normally sleep a lot and move as expected for a dog his age. On the basis of age, I decided not to work, and I'm afraid I will end waiting too long or not long enough to decide to cut him. Can anyone offer suggestions on how to make the hardest decision of my life? I only had one pet, and never had to make this decision before then. Please help.


CJ said...

I was a veterinary technician for many years. Sometimes the best thing you can do is let go. I myself faced with euthanasia for one of my dogs. Here's how I made my decision, and what they say to our customers.
My opinion is based on experience and my personal opinion. Let me say that I believe that when the time is "right" humane euthanasia start.
I think we should weigh day "good" and "bad" days. Once the disease was the number of good, it's time to let go. I myself am trying to get into the position of pets, I wonder whether I would live if they have the same problems.
Because the emotional attachment, we tend to "On" to keep our pets. This is understandable, and it is really good. But their biggest concern, in my opinion, is your pet. If you your pet is not good quality of life, which helps to stop the suffering. Even when the proper time to weigh the bad, then we can assume that your dog is relatively comfortable.
In addition, if you stop to petThey respond in its normal, then I take that as a sign that pain can have. Many people think that if a dog is in pain, then they complain. Not ... Most dogs suffer in silence. Only the actions of their change.
If you decide that your child is still a lot more good than bad, so make sure you put on antibiotics ... will make your life easier.
When does the cancer will have more difficulties. All dogs are at the end of his life, whether through age or illness days "rally". These days, they act as if nothing had happened. They are happy and active. In those days, that the "decision" the most difficult.
Although it was a long sigh, I have a point. Unfortunately, it is ultimately your decision is. You know your dog and his "normal" personality. Put yourself in their paws, if you know that you could not get a good quality of life, why do it?
I regret that you make this decision. Keep your memories close to yourHeart. I know he gave his excellent 13 years ... it's really something!

EL-BRAY said...

I had a breeder of 50 years, I raised, trained and showed German Shepherds. Probably no one hates me, but this decision.I face have thousands spent to rescue a dog, just to see what is being consumed.
It has for many years to make up my mind that if their quality of life was such that they were in pain and lack of treatment could be given for the improvement, I went with my veterinarian, and an interview with Together they make the decision. I found that most veterinarians quite honest with you, if there is no chance for your dog. I am in a relationship with this song twice in the last five years.If your pets quality of life has the "point of no worse chance have eased the pain is my opinion that the sympathy, the choice should made.My comes to you.

Jazz In 10-Forward said...

It is a very difficult decision. I've been there.

Most importantly, pay special attention to the fact she is charged or not to suffer. If he suffers, the better placed then shelved.

Give more love in the meantime.

If pneumonia does not improve or go away and then back, then his time has expired.

Yes, he is 13 years, but what kind of forecast was to the vet if this will work? In other words, the professional opinion of the EFP is not desirable? If you are sure your dog has the best quality of life in a way, then he took the right decision. However, if the vet is confident that the surgery to improve the quality of life, even if for a year or two, then I would say it's worth it.

You've got me hoppin' said...

Put my year old dog to sleep was the hardest decision of my life, and that's what I wanted to do. But after a few weeks, I realized that I am in great pain. Seemed to worsen every day and could not bear to see suffer. It was the first dog I ever had and I loved him very much, and the leg joints were many problems before and barely increased. It makes me made so sad and I cried for a long time. But I knew it was to do the right thing, because it is wrong to consider the suffering of animals when there's nothing you can do to help.

So, if you are your dog is too much suffering and have prepared themselves mentally and what to do. Then it's time.

Good luck to you and all my prayers for you and your dog.

unknown said...

I think the right time to lose a dog when they suffer directly. that is, it feels very much pain. It seems to me that your dog suffers semi. Note that the death of a dog means more pain for them. sure there is much pain in it for you, but you are selfish enough to leave your dog if you do not suffer? if they do not rely on something and stand him to a natural end, think back and understand what you put on the misery aa?
I'm not saying you're selfish, I really do not know that you are. focous you what is best for the dog.

At its last days, making it especially, take him to Burger King and a huge Woppa buy with a side of chips. If my friend had to bring your dog, the veterinarian had come home to do it, so that the dog has no fear in his last moments of life. It was very sad, but necessary to make good.

If you think your dog is no longer alive, healthy and happy life he had, and there is no hope for a cure .......
I think they were not goodto function as an old dog.
Lose your friend, will be difficult, but can do the right thing.

Good luck

Sandi said...

Sorry to read about the problems that you know your dog and how it be for you ........... I'm sure you can tell in pain, and for me that is the determining factor would be ........ It's terrible suffering for animals and humans would be so difficult not to sleep ......... .. Since the mass is more and more against his esophagus last thought it is difficult for him to eat another thing to note is .......

If I can make a proposal (and I know you probably do not want to think about it now, ...), but if and when you decide what is best for him and the decision without having another dog in the Sleeping too long to wait ....... If the pain relief and to give another dog a chance, cared for and loved .............. CAT


Pat B said...

You know. You know the personality of your dog.
Sorry for your new or offensive.

Jo said...

I think I have been wondering whether an operation would eliminate the problem and give the dog a few years, life without the pain he has now.
I want to make a list with the help of the veterinarian about the pros and cons of surgery or no surgery.
If the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, then I'll go with the surgery.
During the operation, gave the dog another year without pain, would be for him. If the dog is in pain recovery after the surgery, but is expected to have only a short time to live, I would go to euthanasia.
If the Convention, the possibility of surgery to remove me, I would like to discuss with your veterinarian, and I would probably opt for euthanasia because of the difficulty in breathing, though, as you say, the result of the tumor and not a infection. .

The infection does not seem to be a factor in the decision, because it can be treated with antibiotics.

c.j. said...

When signs of pain or love and empathy pain.with

thatswha... said...

sadly, I knew it was only a matter of time.
This is a generous gift we can give our beloved pets, we can free them from their suffering and take on ourselves ..
While your dog is not a big change and is a typical day and what to expect from a dog at his age, I think it's ok to keep in mind that you are terminally ill and as soon as it starts to increase, not likely will decrease.
Then, one day is getting better and better too early than a day late

I'm sorry, you are faced with this and I'll send you the strength for the future.

ForeverA... said...

I am sorry for your dog (unfortunately only you can decide. Discover how would a lot of pain and / or I do not know if my dog was in pain, I sometimes did not want him / her suffer. But if I have more time with them before the pain ABIT I hereby proposes to take in and spend as much time with him than I can

janejane said...

Put them before you imagine it. If you have cancer of any kind, is in pain. And at 13, probably the time. The worst thing I've done is to wait until my dog down. Be nice to him.

Another question: Is he "beat" in the house? It is a sure sign it's time to reflect on themselves.

amccoy19... said...

It can take into account several factors that, if a painful decision, but IMO, I think the most important quality of life that is: better quality of life, then it's time to let go is. It relies on you to do what is best for him.
I pray to God to take over power, his will, to whatever!

tooyoung... said...

I think the decision to kill her dog, it will be easier if you remember that your dog will not suffer in any way. I know it is very difficult. If your dog starts with a very difficult and is a normal condition is the right time.

carla d said...

All you can do is, like his friend is. He is your friend and your pet both. While obviously not feel what I love the remaining time. If it seems you have to let go, you will be able to see, their behavior and tell.Just eyes.

missknig... said...

If you wait that "in time" I looked into his eyes. You can tell if an animal has been abandoned, and it is a kind of warning that we are not much longer and the body just goes on autopilot. Another way to decide would be next.

First, if you are not decided until May work better, down to move on and put it down.

The worst thing I've done is looked at cancer crossing animals. It is horrible to see wither her best friend, whether you treat or not to try. While not suffering now, later, and it would be easier for you to know that he did not suffer at all, after all alone to suffer a little more.

And remember you until you are prepared to wait not fair. You can never have enough time to prepare for the loss of a beloved pet, then do not start into this trap.

II'm sorry and I hope that you would like to make the right decision, I euthanized the animals, but you have to think about how better to die painlessly.

jennyedo... said...

it is very difficult, I'm sorry, you have to go. I would say that if the suffering is greater than his joy in life seems at the time, even if I personally know, is one of the hardest things to do. Good luck, and I know I love you, by the freedom, if necessary.

stinkypi... said...

"I'm sorry to say, but the best thing to do is sleep, I know it's hard. But you can try to chemotherapy is very expensive and give a little more time. M Positives your dog is in pain and the spread of cancer. She gave him a happy life is to let him go!

bladedog... said...

If the quality of life is not taken, if you make the decision. Oh ..... is so difficult
If you know he is happier pain and can not continue with the constant complaints. I think that if you have to. My heart is with you, I wish to God that the dogs as long as birds or so live that we have with them. It is simply too short.

bladedog... said...

If the quality of life is not taken, if you make the decision. Oh ..... is so difficult
If you know he is happier pain and can not continue with the constant complaints. I think that if you have to. My heart is with you, I wish to God that the dogs as long as birds or so live that we have with them. It is simply too short.

bladedog... said...

If the quality of life is not taken, if you make the decision. Oh ..... is so difficult
If you know he is happier pain and can not continue with the constant complaints. I think that if you have to. My heart is with you, I wish to God that the dogs as long as birds or so live that we have with them. It is simply too short.

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